Black Planaria, Class/100


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Item Price Qty
Brown Planaria, Class/100 L 20CL $35.95
Brown Planaria, Class/35 L 20 $14.95

For 100 students.

Black Planaria are a flatworm commonly used in science fair projects. They do not bite and move very slowly, making them easy for young students to observe.

  • Study structure, feeding habits, responses to environmental stimuli and regeneration
  • Compare to Brown and White Planaria (also available)

This species is similar to Brown Planaria but can grow slightly larger and has a ruffled plicate pharynx. Black planaria are up to 1/2" in size.

Ordering information: These products contain living or perishable materials and will ship via overnight or 2nd day delivery.

Delivery information: Please specify a delivery date during checkout.

NOTE: Bacterial and fungal cultures will be sold and shipped to institutions only.

Desired Date of Arrival must be entered during checkout. If you are ordering living organisms and want more than one delivery date, you will need to make separate orders for each delivery date. 

No Monday or Weekend Deliveries Available. Recommend Wed-Fri Deliveries Only. 

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